Wanna win a Kabuki Brush?
1. Follow @iamthedoll on twitter ( http://twitter.com/iamthedoll ) and tweet the following (2pts).
"I joined @iamthedoll Sigma Kabuki Brush giveaway http://bebe-doll.net/?p=1460 ! #giveaway.
2. Subscribe to her youtube channel. (2pts)
3. Follow her blog. (2pts)
4. Post about this giveaway on your FB wall. (2pts)
"I joined @Rhea Tan Bue Sigma Kabuki Brush giveaway @ http://bebe-doll.net/?p=1460.
5. Reblog about this giveaway on your blogspot/blogger/wordpress/tumblr (with video). (5pts)
6. Like the Facebook Page: (2pts)
Giveaway ends July 31, 2011. Opens internationally.