Monday, August 6, 2012

He loves Whea-Gee

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I discovered this brand when we attended a mommy-kiddie event. Whea-Gee is a chewable tablet made of wheat grass and colostrum.

photo taken from Whea-Gee FB album

Wheatgrass in Whea-Gee Chewables cleanses, alkalizes and nourishes the body because nutrients alone aren't enough to prevent health problems from cropping up.

Wheatgrass Cleanses: it has the highest Chlorophyll content among other greens which detoxifies the blood, promotes blood production and helps heal wounds.

Wheatgrass Alkalizes: It contains more alkaline minerals than most vegetables.  Chlorophyll in wheatgrass is rich in magnesium and oxygen which helps counter excess acidity from processed foods and other unhealthy foods that your children eat.

Wheatgrass Nourishes: it's a SUPERFOOD" with 13 vitamins, 10 minerals, 17 amino acids, chlorophyll and fiber, and more than 100 types of enzymes which the body needs to function efficiently. Wheatgrass has important nutrients easily absorbed by the body which help your children achieve healthier skin, good eyesight and strong immune system.

COLOSTRUM boosts your children's growth and defenses to the next level.

Colostrum, known as the first food for new life, contains nature's perfect balance of Immune Factors and Essential Nutrients that protect your children from diseases and support their optimal growth and development.

I am glad I've found this product. My little boy Ivan now regularly takes it everyday.  Initially, he does not like the taste because it really has a green after-taste but it is supplemented by the milky taste and strawberry flavor.  He likes it so much that he almost wanted to chew one every now and then.

What I observed lately, he has increased appetite and rarely gets even the simple coughs and colds despite the erratic weather that we are always experiencing right now. 

Each bottle contains 90 pieces chewable tablet and costs P950.00.  

Visit and like them on Facebook,

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  1. I've heard about Whea Gee, but have been hesitant to try it for my daughter. But if you say your son liked it... :)

  2. Initially yes! the very first time 'coz of the greeny after-taste as in you're eating raw grass but after sometime he begin to like it and almost unstoppable now I need to keep the bottle or else he'll eat them all.
